I had bought her book at BookPeople just after I had had my first class at the School for Journalism. I had asked my students to give a list of the Top 5 news Web Sites they visited every day. One of them was The Huffington Post. Until then, I had never heard of this site (I'm still ashamed of that, but please understand that Huffpost is still not very popular in Europe). But after my students stories about Huffington, I became so curious about this woman that I went to the bookstore to get her books. I bought On Becoming Fearless..In Love, Work and Life.
It's a wonderful, empowering and very well written book that every ambitious woman should read.
I want to share Arianna Huffington’s Top 10 Tips to becoming fearless:
1. Be true to yourself. Constantly looking over your shoulder for approval means you’ll never find it. What’s more, you greatly increase your chances of walking into a wall or falling into a ditch – not to mention losing yourself in the process.
2. Turn down the volume of your inner critic. Everyone has one: the obnoxious roommate in your head, always there with the critical, selfdoubting comment. But that doesn’t mean you have to listen. When the negative judgments start to blare, hit the off switch or drown them out with your iPod.
3. Look past the glass ceiling to endless opportunity. Preoccupation with impediments allows us to climb only so high. Keep your mind open to new adventures and you’ll surpass every expectation.
4. Use the mirror to make sure your lipstick isn’t smudged, not to judge your value as a person.
5. Stop comparing yourself to others – it’s a no-win game. And especially comparing yourself to supermodels, who don’t even look like the perfectly lit and airbrushed supermodels we usually see in magazines.
6. Get enough sleep. It’s next to impossible to be fearless – or to be your best self – if you are sleep deprived. A good pillow is a vital addition to any beauty regime.
7. Slip to an air of self-assurance. Fearlessness is sexy. So is confidence.
8. Run, swim, bike, hike, do yoga, or hit the gym. And fill your lungs with fresh air. Never forget – you can go weeks without food, days without water, but only mere minutes without breathing.
9. Be assertive in love. Know what you want out of a relationship and have the courage to express yourself to get it. And if you don’t get it – and if the other person can’t even handle the mere expression of your needs – be strong enough to walk away.
10. Always remember: True fearlessness comes from a deep and complete acceptance of ourselves – not from what we wear, or how we look or what we do, or what we accomplish.
I am working on points 1, 2, 4, 5 and sometimes 9. I wish myself and all of you who want to become fearless good luck!
Friday, February 11, 2011
10 Tips To Becoming Fearless In Love, Work & Life
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